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If you have recently participated in your child's first music class, you may have noticed that your child was not as actively involved as expected. Do not worry; this is a common experience among parents and children. Music is a powerful art form that is loud, expressive, emotional, skillful, and challenging. In a group setting with acoustic instruments, it can be overwhelming for young children.

A parent once said to me "At home my child dances and sings all the time, but at music class, they just sit and watch".

That's great! It creates an opportunity for your child to observe, learn, and mentally engage with the delivery of the class. They absorb every exercise, planning how they can replicate it at home, and practice alone until they feel confident enough to perform in front of others. At Scranton Musical Mornings, we understand how challenging it can be for children to adapt to new experiences. Your child may hear a loud instrument for the first time, or the music might be making them feel new or unfamiliar emotions. For some children, it could be their first time in a social environment, and lots of new faces might seem overwhelming.

That's why we encourage YOU to join your child's musical journey, share wonderful memories, and learn new skills together. As a trusted adult, you can provide the support and encouragement your child needs to overcome their fears and build confidence as a young musician. You can attend the class, participate, and practice exercises with your child. Whether you decide to practice at home or come back every week feeling confident and ready to learn new skills, Scranton Musical Mornings is here to assist you and your child throughout your early music education journey. With us, your child will have the opportunity to learn in a safe, supportive, and inclusive environment. We provide a range of exercises for you and your child to master together. We believe that music is an excellent tool for children to express themselves, build confidence, and develop their creativity. So, join us and embark on a musical journey that will last a lifetime.

  • Miss Elena (Founder and owner of SMM)

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